The Amalfi Spa

Spacious square spa.


Step into this spacious square spa designed with open seating flexibility in mind. Experience a relaxing, therapeutic water massage known to promote less stress, improved circulation, better sleep, and fewer symptoms of arthritis and back pain. Available with and without an optional spill over.


  1. Comfortable seating

  2. Color-matched with any K. Dymond pool

  3. Easy walk-in point

  4. Integrated pump and sanitizer

6′ 10″ L x 6′ 10″ W x 3’ 0” DEEP

For centuries, people have recognized the rejuvenating healing powers of warm water. Spend just a few moments in a K. Dymond spa and you’re likely to experience less stress, improved circulation, better sleep, and fewer symptoms of arthritis or back pain.

Pool Lighting & MOre

Turning your pool into a 24/7 playground.

Feeling the call of the water?