The Sorrento Spa

The classic square spa.


This rectangular spa offers a variety of comfortable seating options, including a reclining lounge and three integrated bucket seats, all arranged to offer a relaxing and therapeutic full-body water massage. Available with and without an optional spill over.


  1. Easy walk-in point

  2. Comfortable seating

  3. Integrated pump and sanitizer

  4. Color-matched with any K. Dymond pool

7′ 5″ L x 7′ 5″ W x 3’ 2” DEEP

For centuries, people have recognized the rejuvenating healing powers of warm water. Spend just a few moments in a K. Dymond spa and you’re likely to experience less stress, improved circulation, better sleep, and fewer symptoms of arthritis or back pain.

Pool Lighting & MOre

Turning your pool into a 24/7 playground.

Feeling the call of the water?